Can Technology Improve Employee Engagement?
I’m sure you’ve heard the sales pitch. “This widget will help ensure everyone in your organization is on the same page!” But is that really what you need? So many tools and processes are geared toward facilitating employee communication or task management or even creating social networks for employees to collaborate… But rarely do these tools deliver on their promise of actual business impact. This is because businesses make the mistake of believing that off the shelf ‘solutions’ or a one-size-fits-all approach is right for them.
What organizations still struggle with the most is more of the underlying challenge of not really knowing where they stand. Defining the business problem is key and the best place to start.
This is really the core benefit of business intelligence – bringing reliable information to whoever needs it, at the stage in which they need it. If your business strategies are your roadmaps to success, think of business intelligence as a consistent “you are here” marker showing you not only where you are, but the best options for how to get to where you want to go.
What if everyone in your organization had access to this type of information? Don’t you think they’d not only be more engaged, but even better, more effective as they continue their course toward success?
Let’s start there. What type of impact do you think that would have on your organization? If you’re ready to learn more about how bringing more visibility and awareness into your organization could impact employee engagement, give us a call. We love solving problems and we’d love to see how Tricension can help transform your business into an enterprise.